Поздравления с Днем Рождения на английском языке

Подарите имениннику самые теплые и нежные пожелания, написанные на английском языке. Среди многообразия красивых поздравлений подберите то, которое будет идеально соответствовать виновнику торжества. Прибавьте остроты празднику, повеселите всех окружающих своим прикольным пожеланием, которое вы будете вспоминать весь последующий год. Выбирайте самые лучшие, наиболее яркие поздравления с Днем Рождения, дарите море позитива всем своим друзьям, знакомым и родным. Подарив пожелание на английском языке, вы можете быть уверены, что вам непременно ответят тем же в ваш праздничный день.


I wish you immense happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! Let life be filled with positive emotions, faithful friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events for you!


Happy Birthday! In addition to the standard wishes - happiness, health and all the best - I wish that all dreams come true, that every day brings many pleasant surprises, that you are surrounded only by kind and necessary people. And also luck. Luck in everything and always. And so that every business you start will end successfully!


Happy Birthday! Good luck in all your endeavors, fulfillment of desires, always bright and good mood, faith in yourself and progress towards your goals. And also great health, more smiles both on holidays and on weekdays, and may every day be filled with happiness and warmth.


I wish you not to get sick, not to be sad, smile a lot, shine with happiness, grow prettier over the years, believe in the best and in a dream that will undoubtedly come true. Let luck be your guide, golden mountains of prosperity and sweet dreams open before you. Let magical moments light up your eyes, love will always be there and give you only pleasure!


Happy Birthday! May all dreams come true, desires come true, goals are achieved, health improves and money increases! Happiness, joy and spiritual harmony, brilliant success, unforgettable impressions and dizzying successes, true love, true friends and a bright rainbow of emotions!


Happy Birthday! Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish you never stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving for only the best!


I wish your whole life to be full of joy, happiness, health, smiles, love and pleasant surprises. Let luck become an integral companion, and in all endeavors only success always accompanies. More strength, feelings and courage to make even the most unusual desires come true!


Happy Birthday! Let life be a continuous stream of happy days and wonderful moments. I wish you to look back only with good memories, look forward with confidence in your own strength and good hope, and in the present always remain a wonderful person with a loving heart and an open soul!


Happy birthday to you. On this bright and happy day, I wish you a lot of health and immeasurable happiness, great luck and cheerful friends, good stories and bright emotions, brilliant success and true love.


I wish you good health, unearthly happiness, strong and passionate love. Loyal friends to you and unforgettable feelings not only on this day, but even more with each new day. May success always accompany you in all your endeavors, and may the family hearth always burn with an inextinguishable flame.


Happy birthday and wish you to think positively, dream beautifully, love sincerely and live luxuriously! And let every day become an important mark on the calendar, let a cheerful melody always play for the heart with notes of happiness.


I wish you the most important thing in life - health. May the family love you and appreciate you, may there be demand and complete self-realization in your work, may happiness and joy live in your heart. Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! You are a wonderful person, and I sincerely wish you as many happy moments as possible, a sea of ​​love, unlimited health to you and your family and only loving and reliable people nearby! Let harmony and luck become your everyday "companions" and everything always turns out easily and naturally!


Please accept my congratulations on your birthday! On your best day, I want to wish you the best, so that there are as many good emotions, pleasant moments and a constant cycle of positive events in life. To be surrounded only by loved ones, relatives, dear people. So that success and luck accompany everything. You deserve it!


Happy Birthday! I would like to wish you more inspiration and energy this year. Let everything, whatever you do, has a successful ending. More health, because with him you can do everything!


I wish you good health, the most desired happiness, true love and success in any endeavors. May luck always go hand in hand with you, and adversity and sorrow will not find a way to you and your loved ones. Always trust yourself and do not be afraid to expand the boundaries of the world for yourself.


Joy in the heart and fire in the eyes, attention from dear people, let many sincere wishes for many years be voiced today! Health, happiness, inspiration, good deeds and people in your close environment, prosperity, luck, wealth and prosperity, love, warmth, sun in your soul, and let everything be okay!


Happy birthday, from the heart! Firstly, I wish the most important thing - this, of course, health, without it there will be nothing but grief. Secondly, a strong foundation and a cherished place in life, where you can feel warmth, tenderness and comfort. Thirdly, everything that comes, but only positive and kind - material profit, good work, loyal friends, strong love and a cheerful mood.


Happy Birthday! I would like to wish that with pleasure I will now do, the very best health. If there are surprises - then only pleasant ones, if acquaintances - then the most cordial ones, if news - then the most awaited ones. I wish you the highest income and the most pleasant expenses. Ski winters for you, hot ocean years, warm flowering springs and bright autumn in a warm country ... And in general, happiness all year round for millions of years!


Happy Birthday! We wish you health, luck, love, luck, peace, kindness, smiles, prosperity. May all dreams come true. Let life be long and smooth, full of bright and memorable events!


Happy Birthday! I would like to say a lot of warm words to you today. I wish that your dreams always come true, that joyful, pleasant moments are present in your life every day, that friends are only reliable, always ready to help or share the joy. Let the mood be excellent, and this day will be bright and unforgettable! And may luck accompany all your endeavors!


Happy Birthday! I wish you a good mood, great happiness, endless love, prosperity in your family, career growth, good friends and, of course, health to you and everyone who is dear to you. May dreams never leave you and turn into reality.


Happy Birthday! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, loved ones gave attention, joy, warmth and affection, friends surrounded with sincere understanding and support, colleagues respected and cherished. Let everything that seemed impossible come true, and let the most desirable happen!


May life give you more bright moments and all your wildest and most cherished desires come true! I wish that happiness and understanding always reign in your home. And let only sincere, loyal, reliable friends and kind people surround you!


Happy Birthday! I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity, kindness, joy, love, happiness, good mood, smiles, vivid impressions. Let warmth and comfort always fill your home, let the sunlight warm you in any weather, and let your wishes come true at the very thought of them.


Happy Birthday! May every day bring joy, smiles and gifts, may all dreams come true and plans come true, may only sincere people, devoted friends surround, and may there be no room for despondency and sorrow!


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